Gaming nostalgia


Recently, I stumbled upon an old shoot-’em-up game called Tyrian, released in 1995. While I’ve never played Tyrian, the name sparked a wave of nostalgia, reminding me of a distinct game with a similar title.

Gaming ur-memories

Playing games was probably my favourite past-time growing up. I have a handful of these very fond memories of playing games. The memories from before 1998 - when I got my own computer - have always stood out. They are somewhat hazy and, most probably, particularly rose-tinted. The games I played after 1998 lacks some of the mystique of those early memories, as I had a better grasp of English and mostly remember what I played 1.

One of the things that have made me mull over these early gaming memories in particular, is that I often didn’t know the titles of the games until much later. I have memories of playing all these cool games, but I didn’t get to revisit them until much later.

Sliming gruzzles at Kampen (1996->2000???)

Two of the early games I remember playing was Matteeventyret (1996?) and Ordeventyret (1996?). They were Norwegian language versions of Math Rescue (1992) and Word Rescue (1992), translated and released by “Edutainment Software Systems A/S”. They are fairly primitive games, answering the question: What if Super Mario was all about doing maths homework?

I spent a lot of time with those games, even though they left a lot to be desired. I guess I didn’t have access to much else to play (and sliming gruzzles2 isn’t all bad).

The author playing <em>Math Rescue</em> instead of <em>StarCraft</em> in 2000&quot;

The author playing Math Rescue instead of StarCraft in 2000

Considering the amount of time I spent playing PC games, I’m surprised I haven’t been able to find more photos of me doing it. The one above is the only one I’ve found. It’s from the year 2000, after I got my own PC. It is easily dated by the Donald Duck magazine in the foreground advertising for the upcoming Pokémon the Movie 2000, which was released in late 2000 in Norway. My PC posture is still the same after all these years.

Gorillas at Vestli (1993-94)

Gorillas.bas is most likely my oldest computer game memory. I remember playing it at my dad’s computer at our flat in the Vestli high-rises. It must have been around 93-94 before I started school, as we moved in 1995. I never managed to get the hang of Gorillas, probably due to my inability to read and my limited knowledge of angles.

gorillas on the vestli terrace high-rises

The Vestli terrace high-rises

Spooky games at Kampen (1995-1998)

Hover! is another hazy memory. I always thought I played it while living at Vestli, but looking at the release dates, I must remember wrong. Hover! seems to have been released alongside Windows 95 - in 95 we moved to Kampen. There were Windows 95 ads plastered around the industry buildings at nearby Ensjø at the time. It took me many years to identify and revisit the game, as I didn’t know the name of it. I only remembered it as a slightly spooky bumper car game. For some reason, I can only remember playing it once.

We lived at Kampen for several years, and I played many games while living there. There’s a couple memories and titles that stand out in their haziness and spookiness though. At the SFO (after school programme) there were a few computers. I recall the computers being in the computer-and-monitor-in-one form factor3. I remember playing two games there: King’s Quest VII (1994) and Caesar II (1995)

King’s Quest I remember as a series of gruelling ordeals. Starting off in a spooky desert with scorpions and crypts, having the protagonist be turned into a troll, and finally being followed by some awful monster in a graveyard. The monster in the graveyard I found so upsetting that I had to stop playing the game. Rediscovering the game many years later, I discovered that these are indeed chapter 1, 2 and 4 of the game. Chapter 3 I can’t remember playing at all… I assume we took turns on the computer and someone else played chapter 3. The upsetting monster in chapter 4 seems to have been the Boogeyman (he does not look as frightening today). I’m utterly confused as to how we managed to play it or get anywhere considering we had zero grasp of English.

Hover! at Kampen Hageby

Kampen Hageby

Caesar II was equally gruelling. I played it as a city building game, placing buildings in an aesthetically pleasing manner. Without any idea of how the game really worked or was supposed to be played, I was in reality just slowly spending all my denarii, building awful fire traps with rampant disease and unrest. The experience of having my nice cities fall apart again and again was awful. Each time things started going south, some jarring cutscene would play. I think I had nightmares about one of them. I haven’t been able to find it again, but I think it was some sort of disease event with rats scurrying around.

Dyna blaster at Blindern (1996)

Back when I was a kid, I sometimes had to come along my parents to work, due to the school or kindergarten being closed. My memories of those days are a mix of being bored trying to entertain myself, and of bliss, when I got to play some game on a spare computer.

At my mom’s office at the University of Oslo, I have vivid memories of playing what I believe was Dyna Blaster (1990) at one point. I also remember the (dimly lit) office hallways, their (dusty, bookish) smell and the (old) people encountered in the hallways. I reckon most of those fossils were about my age today…

P.A. Munch&rsquo;s building

P.A. Munch’s hus at the University of Oslo

Mystery shoot-’em-up at PFI (1996)

My dad’s office was close by, in the PFI building. To get there from my mom’s office you only had to cross one of the bridges (with its own scary bridge troll!) over the metro line, walk past my kindergarten and cross a big field. I remember the PFI building as beautiful, with echoing stone floors, and a big mural over(?) the stairs. My dad’s office was a few floors up and to the left. Where my mom’s office was bookish, the PFI building was sciency, with weird equipment littering the various rooms. I think there was a small vestibule with racks of pagers near the entrance - a cool moment in time! I’m actually typing this out, while sitting in an old IKEA chair that used to sit in that office 4.

At my dad’s office, I have vivid memories of playing a shareware version of some mystery shoot-’em-up. I can’t remember the sound or music of the game, so I’ve always assumed I didn’t get the sound to work. Come to think of it, a lot of my early computer game memories are of playing games without sound. I don’t think I ever got the hang of the sound configuration in dos… Typing this out, I just realized that the sound simply could have been disabled - we were at an office, after all!

The PFI-building at Gaustad

The PFI-building at Gaustad


Turns out that game was Baryon (not Tyrian). It’s a name I’ve been trying to remember for more than 20 years. Apparently, it’s a South-Korean game developed by Acro Studio, and distributed by The Game Factory. The original Game Factory readme is attached in the following footnote -> 5. They seem to have distributed a few other games (Threat, Super speed, both released in 1995) but I have never heard of them. There’s some more info on the game at Hardcore gaming 101.

I finally had the chance to revisit Baryon earlier this week. Date wise, I know I played it before 1997, as my dad changed offices then. With the game released in 1995, I reckon 1996 is a good bet as to when I played it.

I sucked at it, and I don’t think I ever managed to finish the first level. I’ve come to love the shoot-’em-up genre, and I think the seed that made me seek out these games stem from that one gaming session back in the 90s. The fact that I never managed to identify the game, made other shoot-’em-ups somewhat alluring. They tend to trigger some happy nostalgia in me every time.

Gameplay wise, Baryon does not stand out in any way among the myriad other shoot-’em-ups I’ve played since. I can see why I struggled with it back then though. It happened to be my first introduction to the genre and it’s relatively fast. It was probably a good thing that I never managed to beat the first level, as that’s where the shareware version I played ends. Having finished it back then would probably have taken some of the magic away. It’s odd how media can transport you back in time.


I revisited that hallway where my mom’s office used to be a few years back by chance, and discovered that it had all been refurbished. The cell offices are gone and you instead find small (bright, modern) colloquium rooms (filled with people younger than me) instead. The refurbished buildings retain nothing from my memories, apart from the nice view out the windows.

I’ve never been back to the PFI-building, but I should probably go there the next time I’m in Oslo. It’s apparently been turned into the Institute of Psychology at the University of Oslo. Looking at google maps, there seems to be a new building in front of it, ruining the view across the field. Perhaps the whole field is gone… I seem to remember there was a quiet park/grass area, with a pond or a fountaint at the back. That could be my nostalgia playing tricks on me though (google maps makes it hard to conclude with anything).

Enough rambling - let’s play Baryon!



Player 1:
- Move: ARROWS 
- Shoot: ALT
- Bombs/Start: CTRL

Player 2:
- Move: IJKL 
- Shoot: X
- Bombs/Start: Z

- Pause: P

It was easy to play the game again, once I identified it. Dosbox works like a charm! I found the game files for the registered version of the game at some abandonware site. That means you are not getting the authentic shareware experience, but the actual full game. I’ve embedded the game using on this web-page using JS-DOS. Looking at the game directory I also found an original nfo-file6 from Razor 1911. Another blast from the past!

  1. I’m looking at you, burned cd of Heroes II and Age of Empires I… ↩︎

  2. Some gruzzles:


  3. Probably some Compaq variant like this:

    Some Compaq pc

  4. I love this IKEA Klinte chair. The leather is all worn out by now though…

    IKEA Klinte

  5. Readme.txt from the shareware version:

                     ÛÛÜÜÜÛß ÛÛÜÜÜÛÛ ÛÛ   ÛÛ ÛÛÜ ÜÛÛ ÛÛ   ÛÛ ÛÛ   ÛÛ
                     ÛÛßßßÛÛ ÛÛßßßÛÛ ÛÛÛÛÛÛ   ßÛÛÛß  ÛÛ   ÛÛ ÛÛ   ÛÛ
                     ÛÛÛÛÛÛß ÛÛ   ÛÛ ÛÛ  ßÛÛ   ÞÛÝ   ßÛÛÛÛÛß ÛÛ   ÛÛ
                             (c) Copyright 1995. ACRO Studio.
          This is Baryon. An incredible shoot 'em up for the PC.
    Try it. Please distribute it like crazy. Give it to your friends, upload
    it to your favorite BBS, put it on the computers at work etc. 
          And remember this shareware version is only a taste of what awaits you 
    in the FULL version of Baryon. Incredible battles, awesome power ups, amazing 
    graphics, superb soundtrack. 
          You can order the FULL version of Baryon for just $24.95 (+$3.95 
    shipping and handling) by calling The Game Factory at:
           We accept Visa, Mastercard, Discover and American Express. 
    If you prefer you can print out and mail or fax the Order.frm file. 
    Personal checks take 1 to 2 business days to clear and of course, 
    money orders are welcome.
    * Special Features of this game:
     - Fastest scrolling speed!
     - Smoother mobility!
     - 2 players able to play at the same time!
     - Incredible Music and Sound!
     - Able to control the Speed of the game.
    * Minimum Requirements:
      - 386SX or faster CPU
      - 4 Meg of RAM minimum
      - VGA 320x200 256 color
      - Mouse or Joystick ( optional )
      - SoundBlaster or General MIDI ( optional )
    * Full version
      - 6 incredible stages! 
      - Advanced Music and SFX!
      - More enemies!
      - "Press Start to Continue" works in the full version!
    "BARYON" has two kinds of FIGHTERS. You can choose either one of them. 
    Each of the fighters has two types of weapon systems. When you
    acquire a power up item with a "jewel" in the middle that is the same color 
    as the weapon system you are using (red or blue), your weapon system will be 
    upgraded. If you acquire a "jewel" power up item of a different color, 
    the fighter will switch to a new weapon system.
    There are also two different missile systems available for the FIGHTERS.
    Look for the power ups with an "M" or a "H" in the middle. "M" gives you
    regular "fire straight ahead" missiles, while "H" gives you guided missiles
    which will home in on their target.
    Finally, the fighter starts off with two BOMBS on board.
    You can obtain additional bombs when you acquire the ITEM "B".
    Throughout the game, you will come in contact with a new world of
    Have fun.
    The Game Factory  -Come visit us on the World Wide Web at
                      -or drop us a line at
  6. Razor 1911 nfo:

         ÜÜßß ÜÜÛ  ßßßÜÜÜÜ
        Û ÜÜÛÛÛÛÛÜÛÛÛÜÜÜÜ ßÛÜÜÜÜÜ                   ÜÛßßßÛ    ÜÜÜ
        ßÜÜ ßÛÛÛß ßßÛÛÛÛÛÛÜ ßßßßßßßßÛÜÛßßßßßßßßßßßÛÛß Üß ÛÜÜÛß Ü ßßßßÜÜ
           Û ÛÛÛ  ÜÛÛßßßß Üß ÜÛÛßÛÛÛ   ßÛß   ÜÛÛß ÜÛß ßÛÛÛÜ  ÛÛÛ   ßÛÛÛÜ Û
           Û ÛÛÛßÛÛÛÛÜ  ÛÛ ÛÛÛß    ÛÛÛ ß ÜÛÛß   ÜÛÛÛÛÜ ß ÜÛß ÛÛÛßÛÛÜ  Üß
         Üß ÜÛÛÛÜ Ü ßÛÛÛÛÜßÛÛßßß Ü ßßßßÛÛÛßßßßßßß  Ü ßÛß ÜÛ ßßßßß Ü ßÛÛÜ  ßßÜÜÜÜ
        ÛÜ ßßßßßßß ÛÜ ßÛÛÛÛÛÜÜ ßßßßßÛÛÜ  ßßÜ ÛÛßßßÛÛ ß ÜÛÛÛßßßßßßßßßÜ ßßÛÛÜÜ  Ü ßÜ
      ßßßÛßßßßßßßßßßßÛÜÜßßÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÜÜÜ   ÜÜß ÜÜÛ     Ûßßßßß            ßßÜÜÜ ßßß Üß
                      ßßÛÜÜÜ ßßßßÛÛÛÛÛßß ÜÛß                              ßßßßß
                          ßßßßßßÜÜÜÜÜÜÜßß                   1 9 1 1         <JED>
     ³                                                                            ³
     ³                        Razor 1911 Proudly Presents:                        ³
     ³                       ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                       ³
     ³                                   Baryon                                   ³
     ³                              (c) Acro Studios                              ³
     ³                                                                            ³
     ³                                                                            ³
     ³  Supplied By : No One You Know            Release Date : 3 October 1995    ³
     ³    Game Type : Vertical Scroll'em Up       Game Rating : 8/10              ³
     ³                                                                            ³
     ³                                                                            ³
     ³   Cracked By : --                      Protection Type : none              ³
     ³  Crack Patch : --                       Install Method : subst or floppy   ³
     ³                                                                            ³
     ³                                                                            ³
     ³                       Game Notes & Crack Information                       ³
     ³                      ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                      ³
     ³         "...Please find enclosed a new version of Baryon.  Some            ³
     ³    customers have reported problems with the original version crashing.    ³
     ³    Specifically, problems were reported when starting the game with        ³
     ³    sound or when exiting..."                                               ³
     ³                                                                            ³
     ³         Anyone, this is a Raiden clone.  Check it out.  This one works!    ³
     ³                                                                            ³
     ³                                                                            ³
     ³                                             No One You Know/RAZOR 1911     ³
     ³                                                                            ³
     ³                                                                            ³
     ³                       Razor 1911 News & Announcements                      ³
     ³                     ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                    ³
     ³    Razor Nineteen Eleven welcomes Street Spydrs as the new official World  ³
     ³    Headquarter!  Only the priviledged few will be invited as we will keep  ³
     ³    the board very fast, secure, and private.  Contact your local Razor     ³
     ³    members for more information.                                           ³
     ³                                                                            ³
     ³                                                                            ³
     ³    RAZOR T-SHIRT UPDATE:                                                   ³
     ³                                                                            ³
     ³    The responses to our official t-shirts for '95 have been incredible,    ³
     ³    and thanks to our great fans, our shirts have been spotted all over     ³
     ³    the globe. In countries such as Findland, Sweden, Belgium, UK, Spain,   ³
     ³    France, Australia, Germany, Japan, Canada, and US, the proud elites     ³
     ³    of the undergound scene are sporting the Razor look in parties, bars    ³
     ³    (or pubs), beaches, and large gatherings.  A big yahoo to those of      ³
     ³    you who attended the LONDON ECTS SHOW last week with our shirts!        ³
     ³                                                                            ³
     ³     There are still plenty of time left for you to order your very own     ³
     ³     Razor shirt, so fill out the RZRSHIRT.TXT carefully, and send your     ³
     ³     order forms in ASAP.  It's not to be missed!                           ³
     ³                                                                            ³
     ³                                                                            ³
     ³                            Razor 1911 Greetings                            ³
     ³                           ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                           ³
     ³     Personal Geetz -                                                       ³
     ³                                                                            ³
     ³     Cameron Hodge. Hot Tuna. The Speed Racer. Beowulf. Troll. Pharaoh.     ³
     ³     Third Son. Sternone. Eos. Misha. Cobra. Fatal Error. Ustasa. Kilroy.   ³
     ³     Captain Blood. Bitecrash. Dagbobah. and the rest of the Razor family   ³
     ³     and friends around the globe.                                          ³
     ³                                                                            ³
     ³     Group Greetz -   Department of Defense   TDU-JAM   Tyranny             ³
     ³                                                                            ³
     ³                                                                            ³
     ³                        The Gods at Razor 1911 Are:                         ³
     ³                       ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                        ³
     ³       Abrasax. Beowulf. Cameron Hodge. Cobra. Dr.Magic. Elrick. EOS.       ³
     ³    Evil Current. Faldo. The GEcko. High Density. Hojoe. Hot Tuna. Hula.    ³
     ³      Illegal Error. Kilroy. Masters. Misha. Pharaoh. Pitbull. Roland.      ³
     ³    Sector9. Snake. The Speed Racer. Sternone. Third Son. Troll. Troops.    ³
     ³                      The Undertaker. Ustasa. Wayward.                      ³
     ³                                                                            ³
     ³                                                                            ³
     ³               Razor 1911: Director(s) of Internet Operations               ³
     ³              ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~              ³
     ³                                Illegal Error                               ³
     ³                                                                            ³
     ³                                                                            ³
     ³                 Razor 1911: Director of Courier Operations                 ³
     ³                ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                ³
     ³                                   Ustasa                                   ³
     ³                                                                            ³
     ³                Razor 1911 : The Elites of the Trading Scene                ³
     ³               ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~               ³
     ³      Beast. Bitecrash. Captain Blood. Dagobah. Elvin Nox. Fatal Error      ³
     ³       Hero. Janno. The Master. Maverick. Ralph. Raw Liquid. Rio&Ken.       ³
     ³                      Toast. Tomas. Ustasa. Ware Maker                      ³
     ³                                                                            ³
     ³                                                                            ³
     ³                       World-Famous Razor 1911 Boards                       ³
     ³                      ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                      ³
     ³   Street Spydrs             World     HQ    O7 Node(s)    Razor Staff      ³
     ³                                                                            ³
     ³   Akira                     Canadian  HQ    1O Node(s)    Pharaoh          ³
     ³   Southern Comfort          USA       HQ    O5 Node(s)    Cobra            ³
     ³                                                                            ³
     ³   The Tribe                 European  HQ    O8 Node(s)    Sternone         ³
     ³   The Graveyard             UK        HQ    O4 Node(s)    The Undertaker   ³
     ³                                                                            ³
     ³   Darkside                  Member Board    O8 Node(s)    Elrick           ³
     ³   Menzoberrazan             Member Board    O3 Node(s)    Pitbull          ³
     ³   Reggae Muffin             Member Board    O3 Node(s)    IE/Sector9       ³
     ³   RockCreek                 Member Board    O6 Node(s)    Third Son        ³
     ³   Snake's Place             Member Board    O6 Node(s)    Snake            ³
     ³   Thunder Island            Member Board    O2 Node(s)    Hojoe            ³
     ³   The Wall                  Member Board    O7 Node(s)    Roland/TGW       ³
     ³                                                                            ³
     ³   The Crypt                 Affiliate       O3 Node(s)    Spectre/Blade    ³
     ³   The Haunted House         Affiliate       15 Node(s)    The Master       ³
     ³   Little Vegas              Affiliate       O3 Node(s)    Casino Man       ³
     ³   Sin                       Affiliate       O2 Node(s)    Mindshrinker     ³
     ³                                                                            ³
     ³                                                                            ³
     ³          So, You're Interested in Becoming a Razor 1911 Courier.           ³
     ³         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~          ³
     ³   Razor 1911 is always on the lookout for talented new couriers.  If you   ³
     ³   think you are good enough to join the ranks of the elite, fill out one   ³
     ³   of our courier applications (file in this release) and get   ³
     ³   it up to us on one of our boards.                                        ³
     ³                                                                            ³
     ³         So, You're Interested in Becoming a Razor 1911 Affiliate.          ³
     ³        ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~         ³
     ³   If you run a 3+ node board and are ready to contribute to the success    ³
     ³   of the oldest cracking group on the IBM, get in touch with us.  All of   ³
     ³   our sysops are actively participating in the success of the group, so    ³
     ³   if you plan to just sit there and run a board, forget it. Logon to our   ³
     ³   application account and leave us your name and a voice number where you  ³
     ³   can be reached. If you do not leave us your voice information, you will  ³
     ³   not be contacted at all!                                                 ³
     ³                                                                            ³
     ³                                                                            ³
     ³                      You May Reach us Via Modem At:                        ³
     ³                     ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                       ³
     ³                               (405)943-9867                                ³
     ³                               Logon : RAZOR                                ³
     ³                               Pword : RAZOR                                ³
     ³                                                                            ³
     ³                             Or Via E-mail At:                              ³
     ³                            ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                             ³
     ³                                            ³
     ³                                                                            ³
     ³                   (Or simply ask to join #RAZOR on IRC)                    ³
     ³                                                                            ³
     ³                                                                            ³
     ³                                                                            ³
     ³                   Quality .DAT tapes and CD-ROM available!                 ³
     ³                  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                ³
     ³          For the very best price in .DAT tapes or factory pressed          ³
     ³           silver monthly CD, E-mail us at the following address:           ³
     ³                                                                            ³
     ³                                            ³
     ³                            ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                          ³
     ³                                      or                                    ³
     ³                                                                            ³
     ³                (416) 461-8111  Logon: CUSTOMER  Pword: DAT                 ³
     ³                                                                            ³
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